Socrates bot (eRepublik)

Basic bot exploiting' api

Invite link


Battle commands

Command Effect
!epic Returns the list of epic and fullscale battles
!rh <in_country> Returns the list of occupied regions of a given country
!sh Returns the list of the upcoming air rounds as well as air rounds with limited damage done.

Country commands

Command Effect
!jobs [in_country] Returns the top jobs of a given country, overall if none is provided
!mpp <in_country> Returns the mpp list for the given country
!mppsraw Returns a link to the raw list of all mpps

Market commands

Command Effect
!aircrafts Returns a list of the best aircrafts offers for the given quality
!arm Returns a list of the best arm offers
!food <quality> Returns a list of the best food offers for the given quality
!frm Returns a list of the best frm offers
!houses <quality> Returns a list of the best houses offers for the given quality
!hrm Returns a list of the best hrm offers
!tickets <quality> Returns a list of the best tickets offers for the given quality
!weapons <quality> Returns a list of the best weapons offers for the given quality
!wrm Returns a list of the best wrm offers

User commands

Command Effect
!user <value> Returns information for the queried user. Input can be ID or username

Misc commands

Command Effect
!botinfo Returns basic information about Socrates
!convert <value> Return the conversion of the provided erepDay or date (dd/mm/yyyy)
!help [command] Shows help about the bot, a command, or a category
!inthefollowingweeks In the following weeks...
!invite Return the link to invite Socrates to your own server
!ping Pings the bot

Support Socrates
